Sunday, 28 February 2010


Okay, first the bad news:  The Weigh-In.  I never normally do this, but I need to know where I am.  So here it is...
 Just under 11 stone. Ouch!
Okay, so then I went for a short walk, because the pain has eased off a bit and I am feeling better...

The proof.  (Excuse the rather mad eyes!) It was pouring with rain, but I don't mind that much.

The woods were badly flooded. But the track was very muddy and soft, which was good for my painful feet.  So I feel like I have made a good start.  Thanks to everyone for their good wishes.  I am aiming for better health and less pain rather than weight loss.  If I  get that too, all the better. 


  1. Good luck, Rebecca. I am sure you will make progress, and if the better health comes, the weight loss will probably come with it. By the way, like the picture of you. I can't tell where your psychedelic hat ends and your psychedelic umbrella begins.

  2. The psychedelic umbrella is actually a print of a Monet painting, can't remember the name of it, but its the one of the lady standing on the edge of the cliff in the wind. It was a present. I like it coz its big.
