Saturday, 15 May 2010


Yesterday I drove over the West Norfolk to see my friend Yvonne, and have a day out with her.  Tough journey, but worth the effort.  We went to 'Sunny Hunny' for  walk on the beach, and watched a huge school party of kids picking their way amongst the rock pools, clearly having a wonderful time.  I really love the cliffs at Hunstanton.  They appeal to my inner 'O' Level Geology student, all those lovely strata.  Happy memories of a school trip to the Isle of Wight to explore the rock strata there came flooding back.  And of course, you know I am at my happiest on a beach...

Yvonne doesn't much like having her photo taken, but I always make her do one with me, the silly photo, we call it.  This one came out a bit blurry.

After a luscious lunch in a tea room, we stopped off at Norfolk Lavender, at Heacham.  Not much lavender blooming at this time of  year, but there was plenty of blossom to record, and the lovely mill house, which I think is one of the prettiest buildings in Norfolk.

And a view of the mill stream.  (There ducklings hiding in the reeds too, very cute, but you can't see them here.)

Exhausted, I drove back to collect Pat from work.  When we got home, we noticed movement in the grass by the car.  It was a weasel, struggling to carry its prey, a baby rabbit, into the bushes.  Nature red in tooth and claw.  It was amazing to see.

But then I got up this morning and found that Nature had been busy in my garden.  The moles are back, and the rabbits had not only been Digging for Victory, but had eaten my favourite geranium.  Strategies for Blitzkrieg are now being formulated.

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